
荣誉101:荣誉基础 3学分


荣誉社区和SCSU简介. Builds foundational inquiry and integrative learning skills. 学生第一学期必修荣誉课程.

指导老师:Jason Lindsey

POL 101: Introduction to Political Ideas and Institutions (Goal 8) 3学分


这是介绍性的, lower-level course which offers students insights into the concepts, 机构, 意识形态, and theories used in comparative politics and government and the processes involved in the the same. 诸如民主/民主化等话题, 国家, 公民社会, 社会运动, 政府的类型, 政权, 政治文化, 政党, and globalization will be discussed with the goal of introducing students to these and other key building-blocks in the field of comparative politics and government.

指导老师:Morgan Nyendu

Honors 160: Writing About Social Issues in Contemporary American Poetry (Goal 1) 3学分


This Honors course is designed to spark your intellectual and emotional engagement with contemporary American poetry, while also strengthening your skills as an academic writer. 我们将从修辞的角度来阅读诗歌, noticing the arguments they make-both implicit and explicit-about current social issues, 包括与种族有关的正义问题, 性别, 性, 残疾, 公民身份和阶级. You will write both personal and scholarly essays in response to our weekly readings.

指导老师:Sarah Green

荣誉206:社区参与学习的方法 1信用


在本课程中, students engage in meaningful experiential opportunities outside of the classroom addressing critical issues such as literacy, 经济适用房, 食品安全, 环境可持续性, 和股票.  Students unite action and academic exploration by developing a proposal for sustained engagement with a community organization to directly contribute to the organization's mission and goals through hands-on work. 

荣誉220:天气、气候和生活(目标3 & 10) 3学分


This course looks at weather and climate and its impact on the earth and the 生活 it supports. Students will develop an understanding of weather and climate formation and its past, 现在, 以及未来对地球的潜在影响, 生活, 和社会. 

指导老师:Steven L. 安德森

Honors 250: Critical Thinking and Academic Research (Goals 2 & 6) 3学分


This course will examine and evaluate critical reasoning in academic discourse and discussions, 论证的构造, 以及学术研究的管理.

Honors 260: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Intersection of 技术 and Morality (Goal 5) 3学分


在这门跨学科课程中, students will explore the complex relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics. As AI technologies continue to advance and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial to examine the moral implications and challenges that arise from their development and deployment. Students will engage with a variety of case studies and real-world examples to analyze the ethical dilemmas posed by AI technologies, 比如自动驾驶汽车, 面部识别系统, 预测性警务. They will also examine the role of human values in the design and implementation of AI, 并考虑开发人员的责任, 政策制定者, and users in ensuring the ethical use of these technologies.


荣誉395:性别与技术 3学分


Mutual shaping of 性别 and technology does not happen in a vacuum.  This engaging interdisciplinary course will highlight the interconnectedness of 性别 and technology in society.  We will explore and map the contradictory ways in which women and men are re现在ed in the pantheon of technology.  沿着这条路,我们将探索科学史 & 从性别图式的角度看技术.  You will leave with a better understanding of how to create frameworks that will include both women and men in an everchanging technological society.  Fasten your seatbelt and be prepared for a joyful and yes, a meaningful intellectual ride! 

教练:Balsy Kasi

Honors 395: Robocops and Digital Detectives: Exploring How Emerging Technologies are Changing Private Security and Public Safety 3学分


This course provides students with an introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice and Public Safety.  We begin with learning the foundational principles and ideas of AI, learn how various AI practices are being used in policing, 法院, 和修正, and with exploring the ethical issues associated with having machines predict human behavior.  This course is designed to empower students with the essential skills and knowledge to engage in critical thinking and ethical decision-making within the context of AI applications in criminal justice.  Through a combination of theoretical exploration and practical exercises, 学生将学习如何收集信息, 评估证据, 认识偏差, 分析逻辑联系, and articulate value assumptions in the realm of criminal justice AI.  此外, the course will also cover the fundamentals of reasoning, 参数分析, 以及谬误识别.  在课程结束时, students will not only have a strong grasp of AI in criminal justice but also the critical thinking skills and ethical awareness necessary to navigate the complex landscape of technology in the justice system.

指导老师:Mary Clifford


An advanced study of the philosophy, practice, and aesthetics of Rock Music, 1950-现在.

荣誉250 -哈利波特与哲学
Do you have fond memories of reading Harry Potter as a child?  你喜欢哈利波特电影吗?  Now is your chance to think reflectively and critically on those experiences. 

荣誉263 -性别 & 身体
This course examined key issues around the 性别ed body.

荣誉260 -探索幸福
Discovering ways to improve your overall state of well-being.