
Statement of Intent and Objectives

你的 Statement of Intent and Objectives should be clear, concise, informative. Details and concrete examples will make your essay distinctive and interesting. 在一般情况下, stay away from generalities and clichés that can turn off your audience.  在一般情况下, students with good academic records are assumed to be honest, sincere and conscientious, so avoid these cliché words without specific explanation.  在你开始写作之前, create an outline and chose what you want to discuss and the order you want to discuss it. Give your Statement direction by defining a 论点或主要观点 你想沟通. Stay away from including extraneous material that does not support your main point.


你的 format will reflect your level of professionalism.  你的 statement of intent should be limited to two pages or less (unless a program requests additional pages).  是简洁. As a good rule, a single-spaced, 10-12 point-size font, with reasonable margins is best. Before uploading your Statement of Intent, 向顾问咨询, 值得信赖的同事, or a faculty member to read and comment on your work. Try to revise your statement at least once.


Introduce yourself and your reasons for pursuing graduate study. This is your chance to demonstrate your unique qualifications. Include whether your family, a professor or someone in your community has influenced your chosen field of interest. Be sure to use concrete examples from your life experience and personal qualities to distinguish you from other applicants. Describe, provide examples of, your determination to achieve your goals, your 主动性和能力 to develop ideas, your 能力 to work through problems independently.

Qualifications (1 to 3 Paragraphs)

In these paragraphs, build a foundation for your forthcoming work. Discuss your experiences with the following:

  1. Explain why you chose the field.  讨论你的学术, professional or volunteer background and how it may have led you to your interest in obtaining graduate education.
  2. List your expertise and accomplishments in your major field. Include any research or related professional work you performed. Mention the project and professor who you worked for or under the direction of.
  3. Describe your undergraduate studies, current career track or volunteer activities and how they relate to what you intend to do in graduate school.
  4. Include specific experiences that demonstrate your motivation and inspiration 继续学习.
  5. List other relevant experiences such as jobs, 社区活动, leadership in school organizations, 奖, 荣誉, 等. Be sure to include names of supervisors, organizations, other important details.
  6. Briefly explain any discrepancies on your transcript. This may include having a lower GPA in a particular semester or year. Extensive details are not necessary of why this happened and it is best to avoid making excuses.
  7. Mention specific faculty with whom you are interested in working with at SCSU.


最后, leave the reader with a statement of your perceived qualifications and your view of why you will be successful in graduate school. What do you hope to experience or contribute while you are a student at SCSU?  Describe your plans or goals after you have received your graduate degree.  Explain how a particular graduate program will assist you in reaching those goals.  Keep in mind that your audience is made up of professionals in your chosen field, so you won’t need to explain your understanding of the field, 而是展示你的 真诚与能力 to successfully complete graduate education.

Program Specific Requests

Addictions Specialist Certificate, Communication Sciences and DisordersMarriage and Family 的rapy programs require applicants to submit an expanded Statement of Intent. Specific topics to discuss in the Statement of Intent are outlined at each program's website. 

申请 Master of Social Work (MSW) program are to submit a Statement of Intent plus a 特定写作样本.   Please see the program's web page for details on the short essay requirement.  的 essay should be uploaded in the Writing Sample section of the 在线申请.